Bearded dragon Facts

Bearded dragon Facts
Bearded dragon is a type of lizard. This animal originate from Australia, but ever since 1990's, it can be found almost in all pet shops in America, as one of the most popular reptiles. Natural habitats of bearded dragon include deserts, arid and rocky areas, dry forests and scrublands. It is located mainly in the eastern and central parts of Australia. Although many bearded dragons were removed from their natural environment as a result of pet trade, their number in the wild is still stable. They are not on the list of endangered species.
Interesting Bearded dragon Facts:
Average bearded dragon can reach 16 to 22 inches in length. Males are larger than females. Tail is usually half of the body length.
Body of bearded dragon is tan to yellow in color. It has spines on the throat, on both sides of the head and on the both sides along the abdomen. Its head is triangular shaped. Body is muscular and supported with strong legs.
Bearded dragon is named that way because it can enlarge its throat (that resembles beard) when it is threatened or when defending its territory.
Males and females can be easily distinguished by couple of features. Males have wider heads and darker beards and they are longer than females. Females have thinner and more slender tails than males.
Bearded dragon prefers life in bushes and trees, and is can be also found basking on rocks.
Bearded dragon is an omnivore, which means that it consumes both plant- and animal-based diet. It usually eats insects, small rodents, lizards and leafy plants.
Bearded dragon has specific way to greet other members of the group or to show submission in front of a more dominant male. It will stand on three legs while rotating remaining leg in the air.
Bearded dragons gain "scary appearance" when they are threatened. They are able to enlarge their throats and flatten their body.
Bearded dragon is able to regulate its body temperature by changing the shades of the color of the skin from light to dark and vice versa.
Main predators of bearded dragons are large lizards, dingoes and birds of prey.
Unlike other lizards, bearded dragons are not able to detach their tails when they need to escape from predators. If they lose their tails, they will not able to repair the damage (they will be tailless for the rest of their life).
Bearded lizards are not very fast runners. They can run only 9 miles per hour.
Bearded lizards do not have specific breeding season, instead, they are able to breed throughout the whole year.
Bearded dragons will reach sexually maturity between 8 and 12 months of age.
Average lifespan of bearded dragon is between 4 and 10 years.

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